Teachings of the First People
This album is all told by master story teller and artist Roger Fernandes. Roger is one of the most accomplished Native American Coast Salish artist's of the Pacific North West. He is an enrolled member of the Lower Elwa Tribe in The Port Angeles area of Washington State. He is also known for cultural education, using art and story telling as he teaches and shares with this beautiful gift. The cover story he usually opens with is Slapoo. A story about a bratty little girl who won't mind her elders in her family. She finds her self in a very dangerous situation. This story has been told in many of the Tribes of Washington and Canada. It has other titles such as the Basket Ogress Woman or Boogie Woman. Roger says the story he is asked about the most and asked to tell again and again by kids is Slapoo. A very delightful collection of stores from the Pacifc Northwest. Excellent for all ages.
A Slapoo coloring book which includes the disc of ALL these stores is also available on our web sight www.10wolves.com.