Journey on the River Featuring Vi Hilbert
This is the grand daddy of Vi's recorded albums. This is a double disc album that is the Immediate follow up and a continuation of stories from TW 3 "Kwiat Syaya". They were told for thousands of years before the arrival of Columbus. Vi said They were not only story's, they were the teachings. This album is a beautiful trip as a transformation back in time to the lives of Native people on the Skagit, Baker and Cascade rivers in Washington State. They are told in the original ancient language spoken by her people and translated as each sentence is spoken. Very easy to understand and enjoy. Both albums are accompanied by several well respected cultural leaders of neighboring Tribes of the greater Puget Sound region of Washington state.
London Press proclaimed Vi Hilbert to be one of the worlds ten greatest story tellers. In this collection as only Vi could do, you will be able to experience a time with the first people who lived in our beautiful Pacific North West. A time of the original untouched creation. A time that had peace and a constant harmony with nature and it's creator.